Livestock Division
Lodi Veterinary Care is committed to providing the best quality of medical, surgical, and consulting services to our clients. Our livestock team combines a broad spectrum of experience and expertise to help you meet the health, welfare, and production goals for your animals. Click the links below to learn more about some of the services we offer.
Animal Heath & Care Products
We offer a complete selection of medications and animal husbandry supplies at competitive prices. Products can be purchased at our clinic, or ordered for direct delivery to your home or farm.
Call (608) 592-7755 for more information or to place an order.
Veterinary Feed Directive
Effective January 1st, 2017, use of medicated feed for food animals requires a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) issued by a licensed veterinarian. More information about VFDs can be found on the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank website. If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian to issue a VFD, please call our Lodi office.
Food Armor
Food Armor is a voluntary program committed to reducing instances of drug residues in meat and milk produced on dairy farms. Our Food Armor trained and accredited veterinarians can work with your dairy to identify risks and develop a plan for safe antibiotic use. For more information, visit the Food Armor website.
Latest Livestock Resources from our Blog
A Different Breed of Pinkeye Emerges… Is a Different Breed of Vaccine the Answer?
What is pinkeye? Pinkeye is a very painful and bothersome disease of cattle that has changed greatly in recent years. Traditional pinkeye (Moraxella bovis) is a summertime, pasture-based problem, easily treated with antibiotics. Modern pinkeye (Moraxella bovoculi ) is...