Flea Control Guide

How to Look for Fleas on Your Pet

Examine your pet’s coat carefully. Using a fine-toothed comb (flea comb), look for adult fleas, or for specks that look like pepper (flea dirt). The most common areas to find fleas/flea dirt are the groin, armpits, tailhead, and the neck area. Transfer the black specks onto a white paper towel, and moisten it with water. If the specks leave a red stain, these are definatley flea droppings.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Many dogs and cats are allergic to flea saliva, and even a few bites cause these pets to be intensely ithcy. For these pets, flea prevention is critical. The skin irritation associated with flea bites can be treated with anti-inflammatories, and skin infections can be controlled with antibiotics.

Successful Flea Control

An effective flea control program requires treatment of all:

  • Pets in the household
  • Stages of fleas
  • Areas of the environment

It is very important to use a flea control product that controls the larva and egg stages, as these stages comprise 95% of the flea population. Look for house treatments that contain insect growth regulators (IGRs) for effective control of all stages. Adult fleas spend a majority of their lives on a dog or cat, and are easily killed with an effective adulticide product.

Fleas complete their life cycles best in carpet/upholstry fibers, cracks or crevices on the floor, and in shady areas of yards. Concentrate control efforts in these areas. Prevention is easier and less costly than treating a flea infestation.

A. Treat the pet.

Adult fleas that are living on the pet must be killed.  Effective products will not only treat an active infestation, they will prevent future infestations. It is recommended to use monthly.

These products include:

  • Simparica – once monthly oral tablet for dogs only
  • Comfortis – once monthly oral tablet for dogs and cats
  • Parastar Plus – topical for dogs only
  • Easy Spot – topical for cats only
  • Revolution – topical

For pets with a significant amounts of flea dirt, we recommend administering product, waiting two (2) days, then bathe with an aloe/oatmeal shampoo. It is not recommended to use medicated shampoos or flea shampoos in conjunction with other products. These shampoos will strip, or remove, the topical products.

B. Treat the house/outdoor environment.

Remember that only 5% of the flea populations are adult fleas on the pet. The remaining 95% of the population are eggs, larvae, and pupae living in carpet and upholstery.

The recommended home treatment is a product called Knockout Spray (with IGR). One (1) can treats approximately 1200 – 1500 square feet.

  1. Vacuum all carpets, upholstered furniture, baseboards, and under furniture. Discard vacuum cleaner bag immediately.
  2. Mop floors with warm, soapy water.
  3. Change all linens, blankets, and replace (or wash in hot water) pet bedding.
  1. Follow the directions on the can. All pets and humans must be out of the treated areas as directed on the can.
  2. Spray all carpeted areas and upholstery with the house treatment spray. Be sure to treat under furniture, and to treat all rooms in the house.
  3. If you pet spends a lot of time outside or in a kennel, these areas must be treated for fleas as well. Concentrate on shady, protected areas, and dog houses. Treat the areas according to label directions.
Follow-up treatment:

Repeating home treatment is very important. Fleas in the pupal stage are protected by the cocoon, therefore retreat in two (2) weeks to kill fleas that emerge.

C. Prevention

If your pet is exposed to other animals or are outside, they may become infested with fleas repeatedly. Consistent use of monthly preventatives is advised yearround to keep your pet protected from re-infestation.

  • Simparica (dogs only):  Give once monthly for control of fleas and ticks in dogs.  Simparica has the advantage of being unaffected by swimming and bathing.  Also, no residue on skin like other topical products.
  • Parastar Plus (dogs only): Apply topically once a month for control of fleas and ticks in dogs. Water resistant
  • Easy Spot (cats only): Apply topically once a month for flea and tick control in cats.
  • Revolution: This product prevents heartworm disease, ear mites, sarcoptic mange, roundworms and hookworms, as well as fleas and ticks.

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