Companion Animal Division
Lodi Veterinary Care is a leader in companion animal medicine, wellness care, surgery, and urgent care needs. Our veterinary health care team is dedicated to you and your pets. We are committed to offering the breadth of skills and services necessary to keep your pets healthy and happy.
Ally DVM
Ally DVM is a secure, private way to give you direct access to manage your pet’s health. You can view medical records, request appointments, request medication refills and contact our team. Ally DVM has a mobile app – making managing your pet’s health care easy!
Client Educational Material
Do you have questions about your pet’s health? Are you interested in searching accurate, reliable information regarding medical conditions and how to prevent disease? Check out our pet health care library for current, accurate information regarding care for your pet.

Second Chance
The Second Chance Fund is a non-profit organization founded by Lodi Veterinary Care. It provides a way for animals in need to get the medical care they need – and a second chance!
Latest How-to’s from our Blog
How-To: Giving Subcutaneous (SQ) Vitamin B12 Injection
Take a new syringe from the package (syringes are single use only, call or visit us to get refills on syringes when needed) Draw up 0.25ml of the red Vitamin B12 solution (measure from the top of the black plunger). Pull up the skin between the shoulder blades to...
How-To: Giving a Pill to a Cat
One thing to keep in mind is that cats will do their best to make pilling difficult. Cats are not too fond of having their mouths pried open, let alone allowing you to insert a pill in their mouth. Some cats will salivate excessively, so it is very important that you...
How-To: Cleaning Ears
Physical Exam and Ear Swabs – WHY? It is important to have an exam by the doctor and perform diagnostics (i.e. Ear Swabs) to determine the cause of the ear infection. The doctor must evaluate the ear drum to verify it is intact before prescribing ear medication, as...